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"An important contribution to the development of new works, new voices in the theatre ... a dark and ominous feeling prevails with glimmers of hope and faith."

GayChicago Magazine

Production Detail


An evening of one acts exploring the human condition at the peak of adversity. Six world and three Chicago premieres, including: Back to Hollow, A Birthday Cake, Boiling Frog, Going to Grandma's, Nothing to Fear, The Oven, Roast Beef, Star Eyes and Lifeguard, Two-Part Invention, and The Two Sanest Men in America. Join us for new American voices in writing and directing. Presented in three-quarter thrust!

Read the reviews!

Barebones and Skin

An Evening of One Acts written and directed by

June 6-21, 2003

Thurs-Sats at 8 p.m., Suns at 7 p.m.